Tantric Quest-Daniel Odier,INNER TRADITIONS ROCHESTER , VERMONT ISBN:9780892816200

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Tantric Quest

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  • Item Code: 21877
  • Item Ref: J370127
  • Author: Daniel Odier
  • Edition: 1ST
  • Isbn : 9780892816200
  • 13 EAN: 9780892816200
  • The author reveals his passionate experiences with a female Tantric master who taught him the suppressed practices of her ancient order.

    In 1968 Daniel Odier left Europe for the Himalayas, searching for a master who could help him go where texts and intellectual searching could no longer take him. He wanted everything: the wisdom and spirituality gained from the life of an ascetic and the beauty, love, and sensuality of a life of passion. He found both in Shivaic Tantrism, the secret spiritual path that seeks to transcend ego and rediscover the divine by embracing the passions. In an isolated Himalayan forest Odier met Devi, a great yogini who would take him on a mystical journey like none he had ever imagined. At times taking him beyond the limits of sexual experience, at times threatening him with destruction, she taught him what it is to truly be alive and to know the divine nature of absolute love.

    This is the personal memoir of one of France's most honored writers.

    Tantrism is the only ancient philosophy to survive all historical upheavals, invasions, and influences to reach us intact by uninterrupted transmission from master to disciple, and the only one to retain the image of the Great Goddess as the ultimate source of power.

Book specification
Author Daniel Odier
Edition 1ST
Isbn 9780892816200
13 EAN 9780892816200
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