The Scientific way to Managing Obesity
Availability: In Stock
- Item Code: 16657
- Item Ref: D661125
- Author: Dr. Mini Sheth
- Edition: 1ST
- Isbn : 9788120731891
- 13 EAN: 9788120731899
Obesity in urban India is becoming a major public health problem largely because of the changing lifestyles and inadequate knowledge on nutrition and health. These days people try everything from fad diets to weight control pills in order to lose weight, but to no avail. Efforts to lose weight at the weight loss clinics are also temporary. The Scientific Way to Managing Obesity is meant for those who wish to keep their weight under control and remain healthy, for those who want to run weight loss programs and for all those academicians who want to update themselves with the latest scientific principles of weight management. It also gives guidance on the type of foods that can be consumed to achieve targeted weight loss. The readers will be tempted to try out the exhaustive list of therapeutic recipes given in the book. CONTENTS Introduction Types of Obesity Theories and Etiology on Obesity Measurement of Obesity Complications of Obesity Management of Obesity Strategies for Management of Obesity Eating Disorders and Obstacles Fad Diets and Myths Approaches to Healthy Diet Appendices
Book specification | |
Author | Dr. Mini Sheth |
Edition | 1ST |
Isbn | 9788120731891 |
13 EAN | 9788120731899 |